Five Tips on How to Save Electricity This Holiday Season

December 19, 2017 4:06 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Did you know that summer and winter signal energy spikes for the average residential home? Winter especially brings with it high energy bills thanks to a large dependence on excess electricity. Not only do people heat their homes due to seasonal temperatures, they’re also plugging in Christmas lights and spending more time at home with family, watching TV, listening to music and utilizing gadgets that draw power from the wall.

It’s not a surprise to many homeowners when their energy bills spike in November, December, January and February… but it also doesn’t have to be something you simply settle for. There are ways to mitigate the seasonal impact of your energy bills. Here are five tips from an electrical contractor in North Scottsdale, AZ that you can easily put into action this season:

  1. Be conservative with your Christmas lights. This doesn’t necessarily mean using fewer lights—it just means being smart about when you turn them on. Instead of letting them draw power all day, turn them on only after it gets dark, when people will be able to see and enjoy them! Better yet, connect them to a timer and make sure they’re set to turn on and off based on the seasonal daylight.
  2. Switch to LED lighting wherever possible in your home. With less daylight, it means you’ll be relying more on the lamps and overhead lighting in your living space. Replacing old bulbs with energy-efficient LED models will help you keep your lighting costs in check. Couple this with everyday best practices—like turning off the lights when you leave a room—and you’ve got a recipe for lower energy costs.
  3. Control your thermostat! With the widespread adoption of smart thermostats and new technologies that help better control temperatures in your home, it’s easy to configure your thermostat for optimal efficiency. Try and keep temps comfortably low and supplement with sweaters and blankets if you’re feeling particularly cold.
  4. Avoid space heaters and plug-in heaters at all costs! These conveniences may feel nice, but they’re a huge draw for power and can quickly rack up major energy costs. Again, use blankets or dress warmer to avoid being cold in your home. You can also take the time to check for air leaks around windows or under doors to help better control indoor temperatures.
  5. Stop “phantom power draw” by unplugging things when you’re not using them. Televisions, microwaves and even lamps can continue to draw power when they’re not actively being used. Though it’s a small amount, it adds up quickly over time when you consider these things are often plugged in 24 hours a day, 30 or 31 days per month. Unplug them and plug them in only when you need to use them, and watch your energy bills start to drop.

Looking for more practical energy-saving tips for the winter season? Let an electrical contractor in North Scottsdale, AZ inspect your home’s system to see where you could be saving energy and money.

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