Why Do Electricians Keep One Hand in Their Pocket?

April 15, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Like any other profession, electricians face the possibility of getting hurt and the risk of death every time while on duty. When working around and with any electrical equipment, it is paramount to exercise caution and to work safely and smartly. 

Why Do Electricians Keep One Hand In Their Pocket?

The main hazards associated with electricity are fire and electrical shock. When the body becomes part of an electrical circuit, the electrician can experience shock. The effects and severity of electrical shock depend on various factors such as the amount of current, time of exposure, the pathway to the body, and whether the skin is dry or wet.

Electrician Trade Secrets

There are many ways electricians protect themselves from hazards caused by electricity. They can significantly reduce the risks of electrical shocks and fires through insulation, grounding, guarding, and using electrical protective devices. In addition, there are some precautions put in place for this effect and to reduce the risk of injuries when working with electrical equipment.

Water is a good conductor of electricity, which means that current flows more easily through wet skin and wet conditions. Depending on the severity and duration of the shock, an electrician can suffer severe burns or cardiac arrest.

The arms are essentially resistors in parallel, which means touching something with a high voltage with both hands passes twice the current through the body. As such, electricians usually work with one hand in their pocket, observing the one-hand rule.

When handling plugged-in equipment, the hands need to be dry. Otherwise, it will be unsafe. Electricians usually work with one hand and keep the other at their side or in their pocket, far away from any conductive material. In case there is a water or chemical spillage on the equipment, the other hand can be used to shut power off and unplug the equipment.

There is also the possibility of hand-to-hand electrocution, which is avoided by working with one hand in the pocket. The one-hand rule is not especially meant to do things safely, but rather to change the risks that shouldn’t be taken in the first place. When combined with other safeties such as insulating gloves, dry soil, and rubber shoes, this rule offers electricians more protection by eliminating other current paths.

When using the one-hand rule, electricians can use clamps to hold the probes, then just move one probe at a time. Working with one hand becomes second nature for many electricians, and measuring with one hand in the pocket becomes automatic. The one-hand rule minimizes the risks that shouldn’t be taken in the first place. Working with one hand reduces the severity of accidents and the odds of causing another type of accident.

The electrical currents and voltages in buildings are enough to cause severe injuries, and in some cases, death. An electrical contractor faced with this safety hazard daily is advised to wear proper apparel and exercise some safety guidelines to prevent possible injuries.

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